
Showing posts from February, 2021

Aim, check focus, and refocus

(Module 2 - EDS 113) I am into photography. I just realized now, after this module, that being a teacher also entails certain skills that can be gleaned from what I learned and apply in photography. That is, to aim , check focus , and refocus . The students need to be clear about learning outcomes that they are aim ing for and how successful learning looks like. If it is clear to the instructor and the students what the goals and objectives are, then the students know what they need to pursue. Both teachers and students should not lose sight of this. Just as photographers check for focus , teachers ought to check for student understanding. It doesn't have to be a "production number". Particularly, in online learning, where there is limited interaction time. Specially for the subject that I am teaching, which is Art. Simple devices could be put in place to assess student learning. Sometimes, I ask them to annotate and identify the different elements of art displayed on the...

Assessment through the eyes of a teacher

(Module 1 - EDS 113) Having been a teacher for almost two years now, and having undergone different trainings in the school that I work for, I learned that assessments are crucial in the teaching and learning exercise. Assessment is the key process in instruction. It is only through assessment that we can find out whether what has been taught has been learned. Assessment is, therefore, the bridge between teaching and learning (2009,  Popham) . Having been a student for far longer than being a teacher, I thought that assessments then were a tool that separated the winners from the losers. It ranked the students according to the grades given by the teachers. Those who excelled were of course the cream of the crop. While the others were marked average or below average depending on the results of these assessments. As a teacher and also being a parent, I observed the schools' change in viewing assessments. There is a sincere mission to help students learn. Back then, the assessments gi...