Assessment Reflections
(Module 4 - EDS 113) Looking back on my younger years, assessments consisted of quizzes, long tests or periodical exams. I remember staying up late to memorize notes that I have written in my notebook or binder. I would wonder if the test would be true or false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, or maybe an essay about the topic. All these assessments were scored and added to our number grade at the end of the quarter. There was an in internal pressure within me to do good. We were ranked based on how well we did on the assessments. Reflecting on it now, I wish assessments were more formative. Had the assessments been there to guide me and advance my learning, I would have seen them not as a threat to judge my capabilities, but a tool which could help me understand the lessons more. Instead of focusing on absorbing the lesson, there was a fear of failing and not getting the right grade. I had an innate desire to learn, but most of the time I ended up memorizing concepts for the test...